Bible Studies

We love Bible Studies!
We are "just Christians" and we use "only the Bible" to guide our faith in Jesus Christ and our practice as disciples of Jesus Christ and members of His church that He has purchased with His own precious blood. These studies are open to the public.
For more information contact:
Gene Morgan, Evangelist
Cell: 352.672.0920
Sunday AM Bible Study
Sunday: 9AM Teacher: Steve Rhoden, "1 Peter"
Sunday Worship
Sunday: 10AM, 6 PM
Midweek All Church Bible Study
Wednesday Evening Study: 7:30PM
Teacher: Gene Morgan, "Study of the book of Revelation"
Coming Soon: "Study of Paul's Letter to the Romans"
Mens' Bible Study
Coming Soon!
Individual Bible Study
If you would like to have an individual Bible study, we can meet you either at the church building or at your home.